25 October 2008


Thank you all for the kind words about Bob.

Wendy found out something pretty special today. She received a letter from the veterinary school at Kansas State University, explaining that the two veterinarians at the animal hospital where Bob was a patient (and where I also take Abbey) made a "generous donation" to the vet school in Bob's name. His name, along with Wendy's and Pete's, will appear on a plaque at the school. Wow. I must have said that a dozen times when Wendy told me. I'm really blown away. I've never heard of vets doing that kind of thing before. Bob must have made an impression on them. He was quite a special kitty.



Blogger cpurl17 said...

A special kitty indeed! With some pretty wonderful humans in his life.

11:19 AM  
Blogger TechGirl said...

That's pretty cool.

5:20 PM  
Blogger kemtee said...

Wow. Just when you give up on humanity….

7:31 PM  

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