29 December 2008

Holiday briefing

So, how was your Christmas? Mine was good. Somewhat uneventful, but good.

Shane picked up BB Christmas Eve and brought him back to our house for the night. I pulled up the NORAD Santa tracking website on Shane's desktop in the office and BB spent most of the night hopping up every few minutes to check on Santa's progress.

BB was in bed by 9pm. I quickly wrapped his last Santa gift (Santa takes most of BB's gifts to my parents' house), and then the Man and I went to bed.

Up early Christmas morning so that we could be at Mom and Dad's by 8:30. We ate our traditional breakfast of grits, eggs and ham. BB had a hard time being patient through breakfast. He was bouncing around like he had ants in his pants. Can't blame him, though. When I was a kid, we were always up and tearing into gifts by 6am. Poor boy has to wait for all us old folks to eat breakfast and get enough coffee in us to function. I think we finally started the gift free-for-all at about 9:30.

Santa and Dad/Beverly were very good to Brady this year, as were Gigi and Grandpa Glenn (my parents). His big gift from us was a Nintendo DS Lite. He was so surprised. My parents got him some Star Wars weapon-like thingies that make noise and light up, as well as a small electric drum set. BB plays the snare drum in the school band, so he was excited about the electric drums.

Unfortunately, BB's mom drove through town on her way to her parents' house and picked him up at 11am. About an hour after he left, we ate lunch, and then came home to nap. I went back over to my parents' house for dinner a few hours later. Shane was too wiped out, so he stayed home.

That was pretty much it for Christmas. The rest of the weekend was very lazy. I managed to get some cleaning done around the house, but otherwise, I just laid around, knitting and watching tv.

Oh, and what was under the tree for me this year? Brady gave me a digital picture frame. I haven't played around with it yet, but it looks pretty cool. If I ever get the f*!@ing living room painted and rearranged, the picture frame will look great on the our new tv stand. I also got some money from my parents toward the purchase of a spinning wheel. We just bought a new couch a couple of weeks ago, so that is Shane's and my gift to each other. I know - how boring are we?

We'll be having another Christmas with Kevin, Christy and baby Riley on New Year's day. They spent Christmas in St. Louis this year, so they weren't around for the usual family festivities.

Anyway, I have some baby FO's to post about as soon as I get some pictures taken. It's very cute stuff, so stay tuned.



Blogger Jo said...

Our Christmas morning was like this, too - it was four adults and Willow. We opened up our stockings together, but then we had to eat breakfast before we opened presents. Willow was so eager to open stuff she opened a few things under the tree that weren't hers!

5:24 AM  

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